our team
We are led by a team that has a goal of building the fastest growing supplier of raw materials to the infrastructure and electrification marketplace. The executive team, management team and board of directors have over 100 years of combined operating and turnaround experience while also having significant experience navigating the capital markets.
Tarlis Thompson
Chief executive officer & Director
Tarlis overseas all operations at American Carbon. In this role he manages the activities at the company’s various processing facilities and loadout, coordinates production at the company’s various mines, manages environmental compliance and reclamation, and is responsible for quality control and shipments to customers. Tarlis has over 15 years of experience with companies that include Commercial Testing & Engineering, SGS Minerals, Massey Energy and CAM Mining.
K. Bryce Toussaint
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Toussaint is a highly accomplished, result-driven entrepreneur with more than 20 years of business experience, including extensive work in providing merger and acquisition consulting, raising capital (equity and debt), project and corporate finance, private equity due diligence and accounting systems integration, with an emphasis in the energy (renewable, exploration and production (E&P), and midstream), manufacturing, nutraceutical and technology industries. Mr. Toussaint is well versed on SEC rules and regulations as well as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) promulgated by the Financial Accounting Stands Board. Mr. Toussaint is currently serving as the independent director and chair of audit committee of China Xiangtai, and the Chairman and Interim CEO of Principal Solar, Inc. a position he has held since September of 2018. Mr. Toussaint formally served as Chief Executive Officer and Board member of Nasdaq listed Corporation MYOS RENS Technology Inc. from December 2015 until 2016. Mr. Toussaint built the foundation of his career at KPMG LLP, where he served both foreign and domestic registrants with reporting, mergers and acquisitions consulting and other capital market engagements from August 1996 to June 2000. In between, he also built a successful consulting practice assisting businesses of various sizes with process improvement and compliance initiatives, developing their management teams, accounting and reporting structure, providing strategic and operational expertise, and raising equity and debt financing, generally serving in an interim management capacity. Mr. Toussaint obtained both his Bachelor of Science in Accounting and his Master of Business Administration degrees from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Mr. Toussaint is also certified as a certified public accountant (CPA) in the State of Texas.
lisa little
head of human resources
Lisa has been an inspirational leader for the men and women of our organization. She coordinates all personnel on-boarding and ensures that the team has access to the human resources services that they need to support themselves and their families. Lisa has significant experience coordinating with the men and women of major organizations with a staff as high as 350 men and women.
Kristie Slone
director of environmental solutions
Kristie has over 15 years as a specialist in environmental stewardship in her role as an environmental engineer. She has been highly successful in managing multiple teams and leading them to ensure positive environmental compliance, efficiencies and land restoration. She has been highly recognized for her focus on the environment by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, being named an Honored Kentucky Colonel and Honored Kentucky Admiral, the highest honors bestowed on individuals for their accomplishments for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Mark Jensen
Executive Chairman of the board
Mark has been instrumental in all aspects of acquiring, restructuring and building mining operations over the past decade. Having managed through 2009 and 2015 downturns, he has been able to work with his team to significantly expand the Company’s asset base through strategic acquisitions and organic growth in a very accretive manner. Mark is a graduate from Kelley School of Business at Indiana University with Bachelor degrees in Finance and International Studies.
Tarlis Thompson
Chief executive officer & Director
Tarlis overseas all operations at American Carbon. In this role he manages the activities at the company’s various processing facilities and loadout, coordinates production at the company’s various mines, manages environmental compliance and reclamation, and is responsible for quality control and shipments to customers. Tarlis has over 15 years of experience with companies that include Commercial Testing & Engineering, SGS Minerals, Massey Energy and CAM Mining.
Jenene Thomas
INDEPENDENT Director, chairman of compensation & Member of audit and nominating Committee
Ms. Thomas has an extensive network and expertise in investor relations and corporate communications, with a proven track record with more than 20 years of creating and executing comprehensive, global communications programs and increasing corporate visibility among multiple key audiences including investors, potential partners and media. She is currently Chief Executive Officer of JTC Team, LLC, a fully integrated corporate communications firm assisting companies with investor relations and media communication, which she founded in 2012.  Prior to 2012, Ms. Thomas served as Vice President of Investor Relations and Business Administration at Unigene Laboratories, where she served in that position from 2019 to 2012.  From 2008 to 2010, Ms. Thomas served as Director, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications at Amicus Therapeutics. The Board nominated Ms. Thomas to serve as a director because of her leadership in the finance industry, investor communications, and assisting companies with capital raising. She has no direct or indirect material interest in any transaction required to be disclosed pursuant to Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K.
gerardine Botte
INDEPENDENT Director, chairman of nominating Commitee & member of audit committee
Dr. Botte has over 21 years of experience in the development of electrochemical processes and advanced water treatment. She has served in leadership roles for the Electrochemical Society and is currently the Chair of the Electrochemical Process Engineering and Technology Division of the International Society of Electrochemistry. Dr. Botte also serves as the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. In 2014, she was named a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society for her contributions and innovation in electrochemical processes and engineering. She became a Chapter Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors in 2012. In 2010, she was named a Fellow of the World Technology Network for her contributions on the development of sustainable and environmental technologies. Prior to Texas Tech, Dr. Botte was University Distinguished Professor and Russ Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Ohio University, the founder and Director of Ohio University’s Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research, and the founder and Director of the Consortium for Electrochemical Processes and Technology – an Industry University Cooperative Research Center. Her entrepreneurial spirit has led to the commercialization of various technologies and has founded and co-founded various companies to help achieve this goal.
Roy Smith
INDEPENDENT Director, Chairman of audit Commitee & member of audit and Compensation committee
Mr. Smith serves as Independent Director of the Company and has had an extensive career in the financial services industry with a focus on publicly traded small and mid-capitalized companies. He currently serves as Managing Director at MZ Group North America, a communications, investor relations, and strategy firm since June 2023.  Prior to MZ Group, from 2016 to 2023, Mr. Smith was a Principal at Class VI Capital-New River Fund, a Long/Short US equity strategy investing in small and mid-capitalized companies. Prior to Class VI, from 2011 to 2016, he was a Portfolio Manager with Bardin Hill Investment Partners (formerly Halcyon Asset Management).  Mr. Smith is a graduate of Syracuse University with degrees in Finance and Marketing, where he graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Science, Finance & Marketing. The Board nominated Mr. Smith to serve as a director because of his deep financial industry experience and work with company valuation and transaction structuring. He has no direct or indirect material interest in any transaction required to be disclosed pursuant to Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K.